Start of a game

[GAME] is touched on a title screen.
A stage number is chosen by [STAGE:].
[--- START ---] is touched.



of my plane.



Of my plane

The circle which exists under the my plane serves as a touch position. By touching the position which dragged the circle or is distant from a circle, the my plane moves so that a circle may become a touch position.

Discharge of a beam

A beam is discharged to the touched timing.

(There is no automatic fire under touch)


Re-performance of replay data

A re-performance is possible on a stage with replay data.
(1)  Choose a stage number by [STAGE:].
(2)  Touch [REPLAY].
* Replay data is overwritten when a stage high score is updated.


of replay data

(1)  Choose a stage number by [STAGE:].
(2)  Touch [ONLINE DATA].
(3)  Choose replay data and touch [REPLAY].

*The online ranking data and the replay data may be deleted without preliminary announcement for an administrative reason.


of replay data

(1)  Choose a stage number by [STAGE:].
(2)  Touch [ONLINE DATA].
(3)  Touch [UPLOAD].
(4)  Input your name.
(5)  Touch [Done].

* When a stage high score is 0 or a name is empty, it cannot upload.

*The online ranking data and the replay data may be deleted without preliminary announcement for an administrative reason.